This paragraph can be contemplated as a kind of manual for the previous
paragraphs. The defined terms and method's are a kind of tools that will
make your economic organization TRANSPARENT if it wasn't already clear
for you by reading the previous paragraphs. Because of a good methodic
analyzing there will be recommended a specific sequence in which the tools
have to be proceed. This sequence leads to an output of information,
which has to be rubricated (enumerated), and substituted in the
model is part by part presented in the different paragraphs and giving
together a total traject, similar as in the next model. The trajects can
be separated in general in a
materialflow or a documentflow.
are combinations of the two in one traject, but mostly this is only happening
with extern deliveries of material. This analyze is more internal, where
material trajects are by definition documented, but not in the same trajects.
Your own economic analyze can be the best proceeded in the next sequence,
point by point:
ANALYZE the routing of the material and/or parts from receiving till final
product. (materialflow)
Define the REGISTRATIONS and routing of these registrations or wanted registrations
APPOINT the components in every section who are related at the different
documentflows and material flows. These components can be already realized,
but can also be theoretical there for a new design in the organization.
PLACE the sections in the totalmodel, which is separated in three HORIZONTAL
UPPER layer = ORDERADMINISTRATION (intern & extern for instance
salesadm. productadm. supplieradm. etc.) |
MIDDLE layer = MATERIAL FLOW ( different stockplaces like assemblematerial,
final productmagazine, etc.) |
UNDER layer = FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION ( cashflow, paymentsadmin.
etc) |
CONNECT the related components with lineconections (in the model are these
the green lines) for every registration who circulates in your economic
organization. In this way you get an lay-out of the present documentationflow.
The endresult can be expanded with eventually wanted components and registrations.
In the graphic model are
vertical splices
for the divisions
buying, producing and sales. The
layers are called
order administration, materialflow and financial administration.
The registrations inside the organization can be placed in the totalmodel
in-between specific components, like produce-order from ordercontrol to
production, internal buyingorder from productordercontrol to buyingordercontrol
to extern buyingactivity, etc. If there is no possibility to place registrations
in the totalmodel, the chance is big that the organization don't needs
this registration, or that there is an other (better?) solution.
The TYPE of organization can be defined by the next categories:
supply- or programcontrol. As described before in the paragraphs Production
and Orderadministration (registrations), the different types of control
have their effect on the lay-out as well as on the administration itself.
If there is no transformation of the goods in the traject material-final
product, the component production can be left out in the graphic model.
This situation is actual in hotels, cafe's, supermarkets and service-organizations
(office-cleaning, productselling, etc). In this case the lay-out can be
restricted till a buying-selling concept in the
administration and a magazine for the final products in the materialflow.
The bill is evidence of payment, receivecertificate and guaranty in one,
treated by the component cash, bank and cheque's in the section financial
The following items have a description by
double-clicking this item. To return to this page it will be
the best when the BACKbutton will be activated
on the top of your BROWSERprogram.
The red numbers
are corresponding with the red numbers in the diagram above, and representing
the documentflow in the organization.
salesorder coming from an extern client
or showroom
#2 - Recievingorderfor
incoming goods, such as material or half products. Order contains date
and amount of goods.
#3 - Qualityreportcomes
from ordercontrol and is meant to check the condition.
#4 -Confirmreport
back from receiving to ordercontrol with sign and amount.
#5 -
INTERN magazine is confirming the
amount of goods and stashes it in an internal stockplace.
#6 -
Intern distributionorder comes from
productioncontrol with amount and date. In this way there is a control
of the total amount of productionmaterial possible by supervision of buying-
and productioncontrol.
#7 - Productionorderwith
specifications and amount of the desired product(s).
#8 - Productioncontrolreport
back with materialspecifications and eventual used halfmaterial or extracts
from the productionstockplace.
#9 - Productionconfirmreportwith
the date and amount of produced goods is going to productionordercontrol.
The products are send to the internal stockplace for final products.
or halfproducts to assemble and eventualy
produced in own factory are delivered to production. The materialreports
about amounts and quality are send from production to productioncontrol.
In this way there is a total overview of the used materials from receiving
to productstock in the productdivision.
final products delivered at internal stockplace. This construction gives
an overview of the total amount of produced goods as well as the used material
in the division PRODUCTION.
(internal) with date and amount comes
from salescontrol to deliver the goods to expedition (deliveries). By calibration
the orders from production- and salesdivision there is an exact control
about the amount of final products.
handled over to deliveries.
packed with the load of goods and leaves the organization to return when
they are signed by the client.
transportdocuments are returned from
external expedition, eventually with salesorders coming from the distributionnetwork.
the salesdivision and handles over the documents. The total control about
salesorders and progress is now possible by the division sales.
the delivery order goes with certain paymentconditions, the money must
be paid to the component CASH in the administration section.
#18-Debitpayments from
normal placed salesorders are going from sales to administration
incoming goods (buyingorders) from buyingdivision to credit vv.
This model is a start for a substitution of your own registrations and
their related components. If the concept is too big or too little for your
company, you can leave out some components or substitute new ones. For
the relevant registrations it is the best to read the paragraphs PRODUCTION
and ADMINISTRATIONS. In the first paragraph are
named the kinds of productioncontrol, the second contains the registrations
which can be present in an organization. The endresult is a scheme of the
activities, necessary for the control of the material flow. The circle
diagrams must be joint together on the same way as the flowcharts to get
a total overview on activities and organization.
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