physical distribution
The different customers of the goods can be placed in a column, where
the criteria are existence of distribution(network) and place/distance
near the consumers. At the top of this enumeration is the largest distance
and the biggest extent.
WAREHOUSE - Central stock where different locations get supplied.
Distribution and responsibility till the customer is totally in hands of
the managers of such a magazine.
CENTRAL MAGAZINE - Under management and responsibility of the manufacturer
the goods are transported to such a magazine, from where they can be transported
to customers.
WHOLESALER - this person or office takes care about the distribution
of the goods under the consumers.
DEALER - This distributionpoint is the closest point to the market,
and in the context of this book the definitive endpoint of the physical
Depended on the kind of material there is a conditioned transport and stockplace
necessary. Responsibilities in this situations are also described in the
standardcontracts of FENEX. In general the critical goods, like vegetables,
meat milk etc. must be stocked as close as possible to the market. Also
other goods with a short retentiontime or with dangerous materials, who
needs a specific treatment and/or different conditions for stocking. Sometimes
there is a possibility that somewhere in the distributionflow are one or
more points for ordering new products, by dealers or wholesalers, so it
starts up a documentflow. Take care about calculate safetymargins in the
stocklevel in this situations, because of the floweffect. If this orderpoint
is far away from the factory, the chance can be there that there is an
overcalculation in the level if every orderpoint includes his own safetylevel!.
The traject of these documentflow can be steered trough the component DELIVERY,
who is passing this information at the SALESORDERcontrol. This method is
also recommanded with delivery under rembours. In this way all the documentation
about delivery and sales is collected at ONE point. Till so far some notices
about transport. If you have some more interesse in this subject, like
automatic orderpicking, automatic stocksystems etc., there is a company
you can reach by E-mail address
the firm KINGPIN PROJECT BUREAU in Rotterdam. These people are specialized
in the area of every kind of intern- and extern transport and recommended
by the Dutch Economic Ministry.
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