In the production control there are a few methods to let the material flow go as smooth as possible through the section production. Sometimes they are based on Japanese methods, sometimes on American industrial experience. A fact is that you can't blame the Japanese production technology for the recession in the Japanese economy, but the financial management is to blame. This development makes it necessary to integrate the best of both methods to create an own structure for an own identity in a good management. In this way an "European" production control can grow in a healthy economic climate. The philosophy behind the next methods shall be ignored in the contemplation.

JUST IN TIME (JIT) is a method based on the rule that the (half)materials must be delivered at the place of production just before the moment that they are really necessary. The suppliers of these materials can be other sections inside the company as well as external suppliers. In this way an enormous discount in supply costs and transport costs can be realisated. In the Japanese industrial situation, where this method is developed, there are some suppliers who build complete factories close to their customers who are manufacturing the final product. This method asks a high level of information interchange in-between the sections or external suppliers.

OPTIMALIZATION PRODUCTION TECHNIQUES (OPT) is a method developed in Israel. This method is based on a 'massage' of the flows in the production line, the removing of bottlenecks in the manufacturing. For this method it is necessary to research the flow in the production line before the 'massage'.

As mentioned before, there are several methods of production control in traditional style;

These factors are only significant for the level of supply and don't effects the routing or amount of information. With a supplycontroled production system the supply of material is called PUSH transport. If production runs under order control, then the moving of supply material is called PULL transport. Documentation(1) for the supply of half material must be treated by the section production because of the fact that these materials have been processed by the same section (most of the time). By counting the total amount of material(2) the section Productionorder will be able to get a secure overview of the storage of these half materials, and it is possible in this way to calculate the capacities(3)for every product. The productionTRANSITtime(4)is reported at the productionORDERsection, and contents facts like personal capacity, machine capacity, amounts of material and the final amount of products. These products are delivered to the magazine FINAL PRODUCTS, who is also reporting this amount of products(5) at the section production orders. In this way there are 3 different registrations in this section, namely supply of materials, supply of half materials and amount of final products. This results in a total overview of the supplies on the floor as well as a transit time of production.

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