This page is orientated on the Dutch website's on the internet, where a few institutes have their own pages. Of course there are also interesting pages in your country and language. The most successful 'hits' are the webpages of universities, and in peticular the economic or logistic pages. Some big companies have also free information available. Although, if you are interested in the Dutch pages, the next addresses are a golden opportunity to get some more background information.

The Central Bureau for Statistics (CBS) has a very good service for information about concurrenceposition, because of a demographic impression of different professions. In this way you can find out how many similar economic organizations there are in a certain territory or your surrounding. The address can be reached to click on

The Technical University of Delft is on the internet with a special logistic site, after introducing to a welcomepage. The address is The presented information is much more theoretic as this booklet, but can be interesting for an investigation in the area of logistics.

PS. The presentation and organizations of the sites are not related at the contents of this electronic book. Suggestions for international websites and names of economic organizations are welcome. Please let us know on the address

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