One of the tasks of logistics is to analyse the documentationflow related
at the materialflow trough the whole economic organization. The documentflow
handles also the ordertreatment from prospectus (offerte) till concrete
order. This paragraph don't gives details about specific procedures in
accounting on itself, because most of the time an own (computerized) accountingsystem
is already present in your organization with his own specific manuals and
methods. This paragraph don't goes about expressions like activa, balances
or consumergoods. The next paragraph handles about position and types
of orderadministration in relation with buying, producing and sales
the material flow. A good administration is based on different kinds of
registrations, such as:
BUYINGREGISTRATION, orderamounts, codes, prices and timepoints by product
by supplyer
SALESREGISTRATION, productamounts, prices, names and ordercodes by customer
PERSONALREGISTRATION, like workhistory, payscales, actual paylevel, etc.
SUPPLIERREGISTRATION, name, adres, product and eventualy other memo's about
this supplier.
STOCKREGISTRATION, as treated on previous pages about safetysupplylevel,
supplyprognose and supplymanagement.
PRODUCTREGISTRATION, for information about productcodes (in correspondence),
internal productdocumentation, etc.
CUSTOMERSREGISTRATION, for instance files for automatic direct mail, paymentconditions
DEBETREGISTRATION, for financial transactions by customer.
CREDITREGISTRATION, for financial transactions with suppliers.
It is very possible that you know some more registrations roulating inside
an economic organization. This is depending on the kind of product(ion),
and in peticular the complexity of this product(ion). Also the documentation
of machine's and their administration (manuals, capacitycalculation, paymentrules,
assurancy, etc) can become a separate registration. The registrations as
enumerated above are located on tags in the organization, where
this component uses the same informationfiles
as some other tags do. These tags are shown in the graphics with names
as buying, production, delivery etc.
On these points the registrations
are getting updated and there is communication between these points, shown
red numbered connections. If you
are organizing your administration in this way, there is no development
of identic infofiles. Because of the (electronic) communication
inbetween the tags there are no info-islands, but an updated informationflow
through the whole organization.
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