The productflow can be separated in two trajects;

The MATERIAL MANAGEMENT embeds the control of the productflow include the one which goes trough the productionline. This control can be very intensive if there is a total transformation from basic material to complete final products. In other cases it is enough to control the flow with a simple administrative BUYING, STORE, SELLINGconstruction.In case if you can speak from a more intensive productionline, it is perhaps better to make a diagram of the sections and administration related at this production. This product is mostly assembled, so it is necessary to make a product-tree. This tree contents the NAMES and AMOUNT of the parts which are integrated in ONE final product. Because of the fact that one final product can content several identical parts, it is the final product-orderamount what brings the decision how many parts there must be produced. Also the service after sale needs parts for reparation the products afterworth, so maybe you have to include this parts as well.

The calculation leads to a periodical list of production in which every part gets his place and announcing the orderamount of the final products in the section totalamount. Next figure gives some more details.

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